Need You Bad, by Jazmine Sullivan - guitarplayerbox - Einfache Lieder für die Gitarre um spielen zu lernen

Need You Bad

Jazmine Sullivan

In diesem Lied benutzte Akkorde: Am, Bm, C
AmAkkord: Am
BmAkkord: Bm
CAkkord: C
Hey, baby
What you ah deal wit?

We come true a lot
A tings you know?
So what happened to you?

Me make one

Little mistake
You want done us?

If I had you back in my world
Bm                                    Am
I would prove that I could be a better girl
Oh, oh, oh
If you let me back in
I would sure enough never
Never let you go again
(Hey, baby)
I was so foolish to ever leave your side
Searching for what was right
Before my eyes
it was me
Who didn't realize
till it was gone
But now I know I need you in my life

               C              Bm
Boy I need you bad as my heartbeat

(Bad like the food I eat)
Bad as the air I breath

(Baby, I want you bad)
           C                     Bm
I need you bad I can't take this pain

(Bad I can't take this pain)
Boy I'm 'bout to go insane
(Baby, I need you bad)
I need you

I need you
What I gotta do
(Baby I want you bad)
I need you

I need you
Do it all for you
(Baby, I need you)

Baby there's nothing I wouldn't do
To get back what we had
When love was true
(Oh, oh, oh)
No lie I'd give up all I got
Bm                            Am
Just so I could get back in my spot

               C              Bm
Boy I need you bad as my heartbeat

(Bad like the food I eat)
Bad as the air I breath

(Baby, I want you bad)
           C                     Bm
I need you bad I can't take this pain

(Bad I can't take this pain)
Boy I'm 'bout to go insane
(Baby, I need you bad)
I need you

I need you
What I gotta do
(Baby I want you bad)
I need you

I need you
Do it all for you
                   Bm  Am
(Baby, I need you)

When you want him so bad

And you gotta get him back
Say oh, oh, oh, oh

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Cause if wrong ain't no better two

You are together
Say oh, oh, oh, oh

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
If you believe in love and you

Can't give him up
Say oh, oh, oh, oh

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
If there's nothing you won't do
To get back with your boo say


               C              Bm
Boy I need you bad as my heartbeat

(Bad like the food I eat)
Bad as the air I breath

(Baby, I want you bad)
           C                     Bm
I need you bad I can't take this pain

(Bad I can't take this pain)
Boy I'm 'bout to go insane
(Baby, I need you bad)
I need you

I need you
What I gotta do
(Baby I want you bad)
I need you

I need you
Do it all for you

(Baby, I need you)

Me ah

Do this for you baby
Me ah stand here with my heart in my hand

Yea no see me?

Me can't think me can't eat
Me can't breath

What happened to you

Why you ah make me go through
Them somethin' yeah?

Come back to me baby


Me do anything for you

You hear?

Bm  Am  2x
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